Welcome to the world’s widest range of high-quality racks and pinions.
As a specialist in the field of high-quality racks we offer more than 350 types of racks. This is most comprehensive rack program that is currently available on the market. Our four gear rack classes Ultra High Precision Rack, High Precision Rack, Precision Rack and Basic Rack include the quality 5 to 10, in helical or straight toothed design, milled or hardened as well as hardened and ground and in sizes from module 1.5 to 12. For the realization of complete rack and pinion drives, we also offer a wide range of suitable gears, servo worm gear units, pinion shafts and lubrication systems.
ATLANTA Range of High Quality Racks
Advantage of long, ground racks of ATLANTA
For mounted racks, the obtained accuracy and required installation time are important. With ATLANTA ground racks with lengths of 1 500 mm and 2 000 mm, the total pitch error per meter is reduced dramatically. Thus, the pitch error of the entire axis is correspondingly lower. By using long racks, the number of rack joints is reduced, which improves the accuracy of the entire axis and significantly reduces the installation time at the same time.
Ground racks have the advantage that the complete rack is more precise, the meshing takes place evenly and the pinion bearing stress is reduced unlike a milled tooth. The ground rack drives have lower friction which increase energy efficiency.
Assembly Example:
The following example shows the advantage of long, ground racks of ATLANTA.
Assembly of module 4 racks.
- Assembly length: 6 meters mounted with companion rack for assembly i.e. Qjoint = 25µm
- Time: Number of screws x tscrew + number of joints x tjoint + number of pins x tpin
It will be used 3 pices of 29 40 205 quality 6, helical toothed, module 4, length 2 000mm :
- Accuracy GTf/2 000 = 47µm
- Maximum pitch error: 3 x 47µm (racks) + 2 x 25µm (joints) = 191µm
- Time: Number of screws = 3 x 16 = 48 screws, number of joints = 2, number of pins = 0
It will be used 6 pices 29 40 105 quality 6, helical toothed, module 4, length 1 000mm :
- Accuracy GTf/1 000 = 36µm
- Maximum pitch error: 6 x 36µm (racks) + 5 x 25µm (joints) = 341µm
- Time: Number of screws = 6 x 8 = 48 screws, number of joints = 5, number of pins = 0
It will be used 12 Stück 29 40 055 quality 6, helical toothed, module 4, length 500mm :
- Accuracy GTf/500 = 32µm
- Maximum pitch error: 12 x 32µm (racks) + 1 x 25µm (joints) = 659µm
- Time: = 12 x 4 = 48 screws, number of joints = 11, number of pins = 12 x 2
Advantages of using long, ground racks of ATLANTA: - Reduced pitch error values
- Reduced number of rack sections required
- Reduced the number of rack joints
- Reduced amount of time needed to mount the racks
Document Download
Title Index Language Date Size / Type MPZ 001 Installation and Maintenance Instruction for Rack & Pinion D en 03.05.2011 2,8 MB / PDF MPZ 001 Installation and Maintenance Instruction for Rack & Pinion D de 03.05.2011 2,8 MB / PDF Access CAD Drawings ATLANTA Rack Range
PDF Catalogue Rack and Pinions
Pinion and Pinion Shaft Program
High quality pinions and pinion shafts for realization of complete rack & pinion drives.
ATLANTA Lubrication System
The ATLANTA lubrication system for constant precision lifelong.
Mounting of ATLANTA Racks
The ATLANTA Assembly Kit for mounting of ATLANTA racks to the correct pitch.